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Joubert-Tradauw Wine
Joubert-Tradauw is a family-
owned private cellar in the
Tradouw Valley in the Little
Karoo region on the famous
R62. The farm is located just
outside the picturesque village
of Barrydale.
Joubert-Tradauw Private
Cellar is passionately focused
on producing classic, elegant,
handcrafted wines to be
enjoyed with good food. The
grapes are picked and
selected by hand and the
wines are all naturally
fermented, unfiltered and
matured for over a year in
Burgundy French oak barrels.
Joubert-Tradauw wines are
more old-world style than
new, and are complex, thinly
layered and finely structured
with layer-upon-layer aromas.
Meyer uses traditional
methods and believes in little
intervention in the cellar, with
a strong emphasis on good
viticulture practices.
All wines are made in a
classical style. |
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Germany Free shipping Minimum order value 75 €
European Union Free shipping from 150 €, Below shipping 9.90 €
Ireland, Switzerland Fix shipping fee 19.90 €,

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